About Us

Applying Pressure Forever is a independent full-service management, music publishing and entertainment company based out of Providence, Rhode Island. Derived from the phrase "pressure makes diamonds," our group of creatives deliver nothing but the finest gems in terms of our work.

APF is about constantly working towards your dreams. A relentless journey towards achieving the goals that push us to wake up and get to it everyday. These goals are non-achievable without your help.

So we welcome you to our home base, where you can find all of our latest projects, songs, videos, clothing releases & so much more. We thank you for your support as we continue applying pressure to achieve our dreams.

Started out originally as “Squad of The Year” (also known as  SOTY for short) which was family oriented group of close neighborhood friends and myself, who were self motivated athletes & artist looking to become something big in a positive way for the future. Over the course of two years, the impact grew resiliently and we then decided to turn our movement into a well rounded entertainment business. Turning the youthful “SOTY” into a respectable label called “APF the label” (Applying Pressure Forever), which is something more organized & well orchestrated.  adding in a few more assets to make the team complete and efficient to what we firmly believe will lead us to our ultimate goal.


Booking Requests




General Contact

(401) 400-1456



Cornellious Waite


Dexter Thompson


Arondae Washington Jr. apfrook@gmail.com